

The Governing Body Written Statement of Behaviour Principles can be downloaded below.
 Behaviour Policy

Aims and Objectives

It is our aim for our school to be a happy and peaceful community in which everyone can work productively and play safely, developing skills and confidence to the full. This behaviour policy extends to our virtual learning. We expect a similar standard of behaviour whether children are onsite, offsite as part of a school activity or offsite involved in virtual lessons. We have high expectations of all of our children both in relation to their education as well as their behaviour.


At The Royal School we recognise that most children self-regulate their behaviour and behave very well every day and never need reminding of how to behave appropriately. We want to encourage these children and develop skills in those children who may not behave appropriately so they too can positively learn to self-regulate their behaviour and make the right behaviour choices. Clear and concise expectations of behaviour will be described, modelled and encouraged through positive reinforcement.


We want each child to:

• Feel safe, secure and valued

• Show respect for other people, their views, feelings and circumstances

• Learn an awareness of self and sensitivity to, and consideration for, others

• Develop confidence in his or her worth and ability

• Develop courteous behaviour and good manners

• Develop self-discipline and a sense of responsibility for his or her choices

• Learn to take pride in his or her own work and achievement

• Develop Christian values and the confidence to make, and hold to, moral judgements


We recognise that behaviour is a form of communication and always look at poor behaviour choices in context while seeking to be fair and consistent. We draw on restorative behaviour practices that allow everyone within our school community to work towards restoring relationships that have been negatively affected by behaviour choices. At The Royal School we have a commitment to equity and our intention is to motivate and support children to behave appropriately. Where necessary there will be therapeutic and/or educational consequences to support an understanding of the importance of making positive behaviour choices.


The Role of Teaching and Non-Teaching Staff

It is the responsibility of every adult at The Royal School to ensure the welfare of all pupils, and they will take responsibility for maintaining good behaviour, not only in their own classroom but, throughout the school. We will always reinforce good behaviour and never ignore poor behaviour. Staff will model the types of conduct that the policy requires.


The Role of the Pupil

All pupils will be expected to understand and follow six shared understanding.

• We listen to people

• We are honest

• We are kind and helpful

• We are gentle

• We try to work hard

• We look after property

Each class discusses and develops a class contract (appropriate to the age of the children in the class) at the beginning of the school year that is displayed and referred to in their classroom.


Motivation Strategies

We encourage and motivate good behaviour through:

• Words of praise and encouragement

• Awarding House Points consistently throughout the school

• Individual rewards – ‘Shining Brightly’ certificates given out in class or assembly

• Special jobs or privileges

• Being sent to another teacher for praise

• Being sent to Headteacher to be congratulated on good choices

• Special mention to parents – postcard home

• Headteacher awards handed out in assembly. 


Everyone in school – pupils, staff, parents and helpers should assist in the promotion of an orderly atmosphere, which fosters safety, and well-being of all members of the school community. In this climate, positive behaviour choices have the optimal opportunity to flourish. Specific elements of this approach include:

• Wearing the correct uniform items and maintaining smartness in dress and appearance

• Walking when inside the building, keeping to the left in corridors

• Taking account of others when using doorways, holding doors open for people when possible

• Entering and leaving assemblies and acts of worship in a calm and peaceful manner

• When moving around the school, in a class line, pupils walk silently

• Greeting and addressing others, including visitors to the school, politely

• Assuming joint responsibility for keeping shared areas such as the library, hall, gardens, playground, corridors and toilets tidy.


Response to Inappropriate Behaviour

We do not expect:

• Any disruptive behaviour during a school activity

• Unwillingness or refusal to follow instructions from staff

• Insulting or threatening language, including racist or sexist comments

• Swearing

• Rudeness or inattention

• Physical violence including kicking, hitting, biting or pinching

• Mistreatment of property or resources including stealing

• Inappropriate physical conduct of any kind such as spitting

• Unjustified refusal to include another pupil in playtime activities or friendship groups

• Any form of intimidation or bullying


The nature of the response to unacceptable behaviour will depend on individual circumstance. The range of response is given below. The severity of any unacceptable  behaviour will determine which initial response is most suitable. The concept that a consequence should be linked to the behaviour choice and help rather than punish will guide staff responses to individual incidents.

• Discussion of the behaviour with parties involved with the aim of increasing awareness about why it is not a good choice of behaviour and preventing its recurrence.

• Writing a letter of apology, drawing a picture or another appropriate form of reparation • Moving seating position or removal to another classroom

• Being asked to accompany an adult around the playground for a fixed period

• Missing part or all of a breaktime 

• Referral to the Headteacher 

• Parents informed either verbally or by letter


Any incident of discrimination or of a bullying nature must be recorded using the Recording of Bullying, Harassment, Victimisation or Discrimination Incidents/Episodes pro-forma including detail of the action taken.


We should aim to enlist parental cooperation and support in improving the behaviour of the pupil and sustaining that improvement.


When considering the best way to help a child who is consistently making inappropriate choices. Staff and parents working together should consider why the behaviour is happening and put together a plan that supports the child to make good decisions. This may include:

• Use of consistent language and vocabulary

• An understanding of the underlying causes for and any factor that motivates the child to make an inappropriate choice.

• Use of consistent boundaries and expectations across the school and home

• Removal of or limiting any external influences that make inappropriate choices easier (e.g. hunger, tiredness, classroom grouping) 


The Role of the Parent

We believe that parents have a vital role to play in promoting good behaviour in schools. Our relationship with parents will be of the utmost importance to us. We are also aware that we must avoid approaching parents only in a negative situation; parents will also receive positive and constructive comments about behaviour. It is our policy to consult and work with parents to assist children to make intrinsic positive behaviour choices.



The school recognises that changes in behaviour may be an indicator that a pupil is in need of help or protection. We will consider whether a pupil’s misbehaviour may be linked to them suffering, or being likely to suffer, significant harm. Where this may be the case, we will follow our child protection and safeguarding policy, and consider whether pastoral support, an early help intervention or a referral to children’s social care is appropriate.



While it is hoped that every intervention over the behaviour of a pupil will lead to improvement, pupils who do not respond to school actions to improve their behaviour may be at risk of exclusion. Should this become necessary then the Headteacher will follow the LA guidance and a copy of this can be made available to parents on request.


Use of reasonable force

Reasonable force covers a range of interventions that involve physical contact with pupils. All members of staff have a duty to use reasonable force, in the following circumstances, to prevent a pupil from:

• Causing disorder

• Hurting themselves or others • Damaging property

• Committing an offence Incidents of reasonable force must: Updated February 2023 7

• Always be used as a last resort after attempts to distract or de-escalate a situation have failed

• Be applied using the minimum amount of force and for the minimum amount of time possible

• Be used in a way that maintains the safety and dignity of all concerned

• Never be used as a form of punishment

• Be recorded and reported to parents

When considering using reasonable force, staff should, in considering the risks, carefully recognise any specific vulnerabilities of the pupil, including SEND, mental health needs or medical conditions.


Monitoring and Review

The Headteacher, who will report to Governors about the effectiveness of the policy on request, monitors this policy on a day-to-day basi