The Royal School

Remote learning outline

Royal School Remote Learning 2021


At The Royal School we use Microsoft Teams as our virtual learning platform (VLE).

Each child has been issued a Microsoft for Education account and their username and password will be stuck into their school homework diary.  

This document explains our plans for remote learning for children who have to self-isolate, or where local or national restrictions mean that children need to stay at home.

Our remote learning plan has been made with our pupils and their families in mind. We believe that this strategy will work best for the children at our school.  We hope to balance the tasks that children are involved in to ensure a mix of computer based, written and practical.

We have considered different scenarios with remote learning. Each scenario is detailed on the attached sheet. If your child is not well enough to participate in remote learning, please let us know.  The plans detailed are for children who are well enough to learn but need to be at home following government guidance to limit the spread of Covid-19

We expect children to be engaged in school activities for approximately 3-4 hours per day.  In the classroom children tend to move often and as a guide we would not expect children to stay still in one place without the opportunity to move every 15-20 minutes.  In the first three scenarios listed overleaf the work set for children is flexible and can be completed in any order.  In the fourth scenario the classroom teacher will upload a timetable to the VLE on the general channel towards the end of the first day.  We do expect everything that has been attempted to be sent back to the teacher daily.  Alongside the work to be completed remotely your child will be able to join in assemblies and other class based activities via Zoom and Microsoft Teams.


What you’ll need at home

  •        A device that can access the internet, such as a laptop, desktop computer, tablet or iPad.
  •        A set of headphones for your child.
  •        Pens pencils and a notebook
  •        A quiet space for your child to work independently.
  •        A space for your child to be involved in fitness activities


If your child does not have any of the above, please let us know as soon as possible so that we can help support you.  We can issue school devices to families and we have stationary and headphones that can also be sent home for families that need this.  If you are isolating, and need resources, we will do our best to drop them off to you as soon as we can.

What we expect from your child

It’s important that your child engages with home learning 

If they aren’t engaging with the learning, we will schedule a video call to discuss this initially with  your child and then with you.

What you can do to help

We appreciate that if this situation arises, it may present some challenges for you. We kindly ask for your support so that we can continue to provide high-quality education for your child during this time.

Younger children in particular may need support in accessing online materials and staying focused with their remote learning. We ask that you help them as much as you can. 

At the same time, we don’t expect you to directly supervise your child’s learning all day, and we wouldn’t expect parents to get involved in remote lessons in place of our teachers. But, it would be really helpful if you can take an active role in your child’s learning by asking them about their day and what they have learned.

Our top tips: 

  Try to encourage your child to be ready and dressed for the start of the school day, and to create and stick to their timetable 

  Distinguish between weekdays and weekends, and make it clear when the school day is over, to separate home and school life

  Plan breaks and exercise into the day to help keep your child active

Remote Leaning Overview


Scenario 1

A child is away from school waiting for a COVID-19 test result. (1-5 days)


Scenario 2

A child is away from school for up to 14 days following a positive test or a request to isolate from track and trace.


Scenario 3

A child is away beyond 14 days because they are shielding as advised by a medical practitioner


Day 1-5 of absence

Day 6-14 of absence

There are consolidation activities on the VLE for children to begin on the first day away from school.  From the second day the learning will be aligned to learning in the classroom.

Children will be able to join the class for assemblies at 1.40pm on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday each week.

The classroom teacher will keep in touch via email and through the VLE.

Work should be uploaded daily from the second day of absence and the teacher will feed back and comment on at least two pieces of work each day.

Learning will be aligned to the classroom curriculum.

Work will continue to be uploaded onto the VLE daily.

Children will submit work daily and teachers will feedback and comment on at least two pieces of work daily.

As well as assemblies, there will be at least two opportunities each day to join the class virtually for classroom lessons.

The classroom teacher will continue to keep in touch by email and the VLE.

There will be the opportunity for an individual or small group virtual tutorial with the teacher on a Wednesday.




Scenario 4

A group of more than 15 children in one year group are away or one or multiple bubbles have been closed.



Day 1 of absence

Day 2 onwards

There are consolidation activities on the VLE for children to begin on the first day away from school. 


Work should be uploaded daily.

The “playground” channel may be opened on the VLE so that children can chat to others in the class.  This channel will be monitored by the teaching staff.

There will be a timetable of lessons on the VLE.  That continues with the planned curriculum.


The lessons will be a mixture of live streamed lessons, pre-recorded lessons (our own or Oak National Academy, Whiterose or BBC), and independent project based lessons.


Children in Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 will work on whole class. group and independent work each day from 9.30am - 11–30am and from 1pm -3pm.  Children will also have a 45 minute PE challenge to fit into their day.


Children in Wrens will have two or three twenty minute virtual whole class or group activities each day.  All other tasks for wrens will be play-based practical ideas to complete at home.



Scenario 5

Learning moves online for all children other then for the children of essential workers (please see for the most up to date definition) and vulnerable children.


Day 1 of absence

Day 2 onwards

There are consolidation activities on the VLE for children to begin on the first day away from school. 


Work should be uploaded daily.

The “playground” channel may be opened on the VLE so that children can chat to others in the class.  This channel will be monitored by school staff.

There will be a timetable of  lessons on the VLE.  That continues with the planned curriculum.


The lessons will be a mixture of live streamed lessons, pre-recorded lessons (our own or Oak National Academy, Whiterose or BBC), and independent project based lessons.


Children in Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 will work on whole class. group and independent work each day from 9.30am - 11–30am and from 1pm -3pm.  Children will also have a 45 minute PE challenge to fit into their day.


Children in Wrens will have two or three twenty minute virtual whole class or group activities each day.  All other tasks for wrens will be play-based practical ideas to complete at home


There will be approximately three to four hours of activities each day.  On your child’s class page there are eight channels for each class that link to learning areas.  There will be a learning activity on each channel, other than the playground and general channels for each day.    The general channel will be for notices and announcements from staff as well as timetables.  The playground channel may be opened up if more than 15 children in the class need to be away from school for more than one day.

 In Scenario 5 we will use a whole school timetable for live sessions.  This will allow families with more than one child to be able to facilitate each child joining their class for live sessions throughout the day.  Some of the live sessions may be small group activities and some may be whole class live lessons.  The teacher will add details of live sessions to the Team calendar and place links on the Team page. Children will have two or three 30 minute live sessions each day.  Teachers are available during the day to answer children’s questions and feed back on tasks as they are completed.