Welcome To Our New Website!
Welcome To Our New Website!
The Royal School
The Royal School
The Great Park,
Berkshire SL4 2HP
01784 434274


The name of the person to whom all enquiries should be addressed is Mrs V. Harrall NPQH, M.A. Inclusive Ed, P.G.Dip Sp&L difficulties, B.Ed (Hons).
The school SENDCO is Mrs Harrall  who can be emailed directly at Head@theroyalschool.org.uk
The Royal School is located within The Great Park on private roads.  If you wish to visit the school please contact the school office to arrange permission to drive within The Great Park.
Paper copies of any information on this website can be requested from the school office.
As a small school we are sometimes unable to answer incoming calls.  Please do send us an email at office@theroyalschool.org.uk or leave an answerphone message.  We are waiting to hear from you.

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