Mrs Victoria Harrall
Headteacher, SENDCo, DSL
NPQH, MA Inclusive Ed., P.G.Dip. Sp&L difficulties, BEd (Hons)
English and Science Co-ordinator
Miss Hayley Canning
EYFS Classroom Teacher
Miss Canning teaches in the Reception class on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.
EYFS Co-ordinator
Mrs Jane Blackford
EYFS Class teacher
Mrs Blackford teaches in the Reception class on Thursday and Friday each week.
Miss Michele Clayton
Year 1 Teacher
Miss Chloe Timberlake
Year 2 Teacher
Mrs Rachel Brooking
Year 3 Teacher
PE Co-ordinator
Mrs Abby Forster
Year 4 Teacher, Deputy DSL
Maths Co-ordinator