The Royal School

Our Vision for The Royal School Community of Learners

At The Royal School, we understand the importance of a well-rounded, fulfilling school curriculum to prepare our pupils for the next stage of education, and for their present and future role as global citizens.


Our Christian vision statement describes where we are heading and outlines our purpose – the reason why we do things at The Royal School.


At The Royal School our vision is to light up our communities and the world through being  BRIGHT       

Big Thinkers – Resilient - Independent - Generous - Honest - Team players


Underpinning our vision is the Biblical verse:-


"Your light must shine before people, so that they will see the good things you do" Matthew 5: 16


Big Thinkers

At The Royal School we provide opportunities for the children to be reflective, think deeply, practise different types of thinking, and develop metacognitive skills. We plan opportunities for children to harness creativity and develop their own ideas. The children are encouraged to share their ideas, work collaboratively, and follow areas of interest. We provide opportunities for children to think deeply and critically and reflect on their ideas and outcomes.  


At The Royal School we encourage everyone to have a go at tasks and learn from their mistakes. We help the children develop their confidence to have a go at challenges and not give up when things are difficult. We don’t say ‘can’t’ we say ‘not yet’.


At the Royal School we encourage the children to develop their skills of independence. Developing independence helps the children to build greater self-confidence and self-esteem. The children learn how to apply the knowledge and skills they have learnt when attempting new tasks. Throughout the school we provide opportunities for the children to practise being responsible and independent, we encourage the children to try things for themselves to help develop their confidence as learners. 


We encourage our school community to give their time and talents to benefit others. We believe that the opportunities to recognise social injustice and to think creatively about working towards social justice is part of a balanced education. We believe children can contribute to society as children – they do not need to wait to participate. We encourage the children share their learning with others and help their peers learn new skills and deepen thinking.


Our curriculum gives opportunities to be honest with ourselves (looking after our own well-being and mental health) and to be honest with others to promote and facilitate collaboration.

Team Players

Our curriculum promotes team building skills and working together so that all achieve. Children are given opportunities to collaborate on shared outcomes, share and discuss ideas in whole class, group and paired work. We encourage everyone to support and champion each other’s success.