The Royal School

Our History

We are unique

Our history commenced in 1843 when Her Majesty Queen Victoria and Her Royal Consort, His Royal Highness, Prince Albert, decided that a school should be built to provide permanent provision for the education of the children of families in Her Majesty’s immediate service within The Great Park. It was hoped that ” being thus brought under the influence of sound religious training and education in its true meaning, that they may not be forced to trudge through weary life without the aid of intellectual implements and tools”. Since the opening of The Royal School in July 1845, successive monarchs have continued to demonstrate a close interest in its development and in the well-being of its pupils.

The unique history of the school is something that we are proud of and celebrate. Teachers are encouraged to regularly take groups of children to visit the school museum and to include school history and talks by Old Scholars into units of work.