Dear Everyone,
The last few months have been very busy and the time has flown by in school. It is hard to believe it is now spring and the clocks have already gone forwards, it is certainly lovely to have longer hours of day light and not have to arrive at, and leave, school in the dark!
The children have continued to work hard and it is lovely to walk around the school and see them engaged in their learning. I have been really impressed with the children's enthusiasm and their ability to talk about what they have been doing.
Thank you again to the PTA and everyone who has been involved in fund raising events. We are now beginning to have a look at how we can spend some of the money raised on refurbishing the classrooms. We are very excited about new furniture that has been ordered to enhance the provision in Wrens and there are some plans for the other classrooms too. We have also been awarded some grants to enable us to do some decorating and update our lights to LEDs, which are more environmentally friendly, and will help save us some money. A lot of this work will be done over the Easter and summer breaks.
The children have enjoyed participating in a range of sporting activities this term. Several outside companies have come in to give the children taster sessions in tag rugby, basketball and hockey. All of the coaches have praised the children in their sportsmanship and behaviour which is great to hear. Playball continue to encourage the children to participate in various games and activities on the playground two lunchtimes a week and we are still working on developing the repertoire of extra-curricular activities that we can offer. We have joined the Windsor Sports Partnership which will help us to develop links with other local schools and will enable us to participate in sporting activities with other schools. After Easter the teachers are receiving training on a new child centered PE curriculum called 'Real PE' that we will be using - other schools that use it review it positively and it looks very exciting!
I hope you all have a really lovely Easter break and look forward to seeing everyone on Monday 17th April.
Mrs Harrall

We have been working hard on developing our reading skills this term. The PTA have bought us a new set of reading books to extend our reading scheme across the school and our library is being reorganised to encourage us to read books by a range of authors. Each class now has a reading spine of books which can be seen on the school website along with other suggestions of books that we may enjoy reading.
We have started a 'Birthday Book Club' to help us develop our class reading areas and enjoyed spending our World Book Day vouchers at a visiting book fair.
For Book Week the whole school read 'The Day the Crayons Quit' by Oliver Jeffers and we produced some really excellent pieces of writing based on the story.
We had an unexpected snowy day in March - swapping our uniform for warm, weather proof clothes meant we were able to go outside and play in it!
Thank you for your donations. We raised £177 for Comic Relief on Red Nose Day and had fun coming to school dressed in red and with a red nose!
Owls have been reading Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and enjoyed their visit to Dr Chocs in Windsor.
Following a silent auction PTA event four young Headteachers, and some younger deputies, joined Mrs Harrall for the day. The day started by greeting everyone as they arrived at the school gate and was packed full of 'Headteacher activities' such as a health and safety walk, report writing, playground duty, learning walks, helping children in Wrens, a meeting with the chair of governors and a whole school assembly - a really busy day!
We are going to be taking part in the school's competition at the Royal Windsor Flower Show, so we have some planting and growing to do!
Thank you to everyone who has taken on a flower pot around the front of the school, they are looking lovely. We still have a number of pots/containers unclaimed if anyone else would like to do a bit of gardening!
Happy Easter everyone!