
Spring Term News

Royal School News
We are half-way through the Spring Term and it has been a busy term so far, with many more exciting learning activities and events coming up over the second half of the term.  I have highlighted below two of this terms' upcoming events from the school calendar.  We try to keep the web page calendar as up to date as possible so please refer regularly to it.
If you have any questions about upcoming events please do not hesitate to contact your classroom teacher or the school office.
Kind Regards
Bev Coombridge  
Shrove Tuesday
This year we will be holding our inter-house pancake flipping competition on Monday 28th February.  The children will be decorating a pancake to bring home on Tuesday 1st March.  For the pancake decorating competition we ask that you send in healthy items (pre-prepared for children in Wrens, Robins and Puffins) with your child at home.  We provide a pancake and the children decorate the pancake in school.  The pancake judges look at how healthy each pancake is as well as how creative/artistic the pancake is.
We will announce the winners of the inter-house frying pan on Tuesday afternoon during assembly.  Parents are welcome to join us for a short assembly at 2:50 pm on Tuesday.
World Book Day - Thursday 3rd March
Children may come to school dressed as a character from a book.  It is great to bring the book in as well! 
 We will be having a story time between 2:50 and 3:20 and any parents that would like to bring a book in to read to a group of children should email the school office before 3 pm on Wednesday 1st March.
Highlights from Spring 1 at The Royal School
Owls have been creating pieces of art in the forest as part of our inventors unit. We challenged the children to create something which would impress everyone. The groups chose to make: a football stadium, a house, a barrier, some trees and a ‘hello sign’.
We were so impressed with the teamwork!
Museum Trip
Over the last few weeks, Owls have been learning about forces and magnets. For Sparkle Week, the children worked in teams to design and make their own board game with a magnetic element. On Tuesday 15th February, the teams pitched their games to Puffins Class and they were able to play the games.
Well done for the excellent teamwork, resilience and bright ideas Owls!
Swans have been learning about Rain Forests and showed their learning in many different ways.  
Great work Swans!