

Royal School News
Dear Royal School Community
As I write the sun is shining and it feels like summer is here!  As you know our children spend quite a bit of time outside during the summer term, please send the children to school with sunhats.  We are also aware that ticks are prevalent at the moment, even on the short grass.  Please send your child's PE kit into school everyday so that children can change into long trousers before going into the forest or long grass areas.
You will be aware, that we have been advertising for a  new office manager to commence when Mrs Fowler retires in June.  I am pleased to tell you that we have appointed Mrs Anne Terry to the position.  Mrs Terry will commence as Office Manager on 1st June. 
Mrs Fowler will retire at the end of this term and we will have an opportunity to farewell her on 27th May at 2:00pm.  Following the Street Party and Maypole dancing we will hold an assembly to finish the term and farewell Mrs Fowler.  There will be afternoon tea in the school hall after the assembly.
This weekend there is an opportunity for anyone who wishes to help in the school garden to come into school between 2pm and 4pm on Saturday or Sunday and assist Rodney to move mulch onto the school gardens.  If possible please bring a wheelbarrow with you. 
Thank you to everyone who has purchased items from the Amazon school wish list. It has been an exciting week in the school office with lots of gifts arriving for the Platinum Jubilee Celebrations.
I hope you enjoy the sunshine this weekend.
Kind Regards
Bev Coombridge