

Royal School News 30th September 2021
Dear Parents and Caregivers
I hope you are enjoying our new look online newsletter.  This week it is wonderful to have some pupil reporters and photographers contributing to the newsletter.
Owls had a fantastic visit to Eton museum this week. The children saw lots of interesting artifacts and parts of mummies! They also played some exciting games and learned  about The Ancient Egyptians.

Pupil Reporters


The trip was amazing. First we had to go on a coach. Next we had to get out of the coach and we entered Eton museum. There were loads of interesting things at the museum like mummified heads, hands and feet. There was a sarcophagus and mummified cats, birds and people. We did some activities. One of the activities was drawing things we would take into the afterlife on a big piece of paper. The second activity was cracking a hieroglyphic code and finding things in the museum. Lastly, we played a memory game.

By Martha 


Owls class went to Eton Museum. First we went on the coach then we met Saskia. She told us we could have a wander around the museum. We had fun working out hieroglyphics and playing memory games. My favourite part was looking for clues in the museum. We liked opening drawers in the museum and looking at the big stone feet. Then we went home.

By Edward 



Swans this week by Hattie
Swans have been making pots. They have been using the coiling technique by making sausages and a base and then staking the sausages/could on top. They are learning about Ancient Greece and will be decorating the pots with geometric patterns.
Harvest Festival
Tomorrow the Year 4 children will be leading the assembly and telling us all about Harvest Festival.  From Monday there will boxes in the foyer to the school hall for children to add tinned food to donate to the local food bank.  Please send tinned items into school to add to our Harvest gift to those in need locally
Macmillan Coffee Afternoon
Thank you very much to everyone who supported the Macmillan Coffee Afternoon. We had a wonderful array of donated cakes and edibles, and the event was very well attended, raising just over £435! Thank you!
In Puffins, we have really enjoyed practising our threading and weaving to make our own Rainbow Fish!
'I love using the shiny ribbons, which remind me of the Rainbow fish’s shiny scales!’ - Emily 

‘At first, it was a little bit tricky to weave the ribbons, but we soon got the hang of it and it was easy!’ - Albie 

‘I enjoyed doing the weaving because I could choose the colours and make my fish unique!’ - Mirryn
Assemblies this week
We have been talking about being thankful and sharing the things that we have in assembly over the last week.  Harvest can be a tricky concept for children if they are not involved in growing food so it is fantastic that the gardeners were able to harvest corn this week to be added to the lunch menu at school.  The sweetcorn photographs were expertly taken by our Year 4 photographers.
Warm clothes
As the seasons change and things become cooler please make sure that children are dressed for the cold.  A warm coat, gloves had and a vest under all a must at this time of year.  We continue to ventilate the classrooms which does bring the inside temperature down a little.
Wednesday 6th October - Walk to school day
Next Wednesday all children should be dropped off at The York Club at 8.30am.  All of the staff will be at The York Club to register the children and then we will all walk to school together.  
Parent workshop - helping your child with maths - 9:00 am Wednesday 6th October
Next week will be the first of our parent workshops for the year.  If you would like to attend please let the school office know by Tuesday at 3.30pm.
Kind Regards
Bev Coombridge